Committees of conference on biennial budget bills
Currently, under the joint rules of the legislature, in cases of disagreement
between the two houses on amendments to a bill or joint resolution, one house may
request a committee on conference to resolve the differences between the houses. If
a committee of conference is created and is able to resolve the differences, the final
agreement is contained in a conference report that is submitted to each house for
This bill seeks to regulate the convening and conduct of committees of
conference on biennial budget bills and to compel attendance of members at meetings
of the committees. Under the bill, if a committee of conference on a biennial budget
bill is created, the committee must convene on the first Monday after the committee
is created or on the first Monday in July, whichever occurs first.

The bill provides that the committee of conference must meet for at least eight
hours per day on Monday to Friday during the first week that the committee is
convened. If the committee of conference has not approved a conference report before
the end of the first week, the committee must convene on the following Monday and
meet for at least nine hours per day on Monday to Friday during that week. If the
committee of conference has still not approved a conference report before the end of
the second week, the committee must convene on the following Monday and meet for
at least ten hours per day on at least six days during that week, and during each
succeeding week, until the committee approves a conference report.
Under the bill, each member of the committee of conference must attend each
committee meeting, unless the member is unable to attend on account of illness or
a family emergency. The bill requires the sergeant of arms of each house to ensure
that members appointed to the committee of conference attend each committee
meeting. The bill grants the sergeants of arms the same powers to compel members
to attend committee meetings as are granted the sergeants of arms to compel
members to return to the senate or assembly chambers during a call of the house.
Most importantly, the sergeants of arms may request assistance from the county
sheriff to compel a member to attend a meeting of the committee on conference.
Withholding of legislator pay and reimbursement of certain expenses
This bill provides that, if the legislature has not passed the biennial budget bill
before August 1 of the odd-numbered year, no member of the legislature may receive
any installments of his or her salary or food and lodging expense reimbursements
until the legislature has passed the biennial budget bill.
Under the bill, upon passage of the biennial budget bill the members of the
legislature are to be paid all salary installments and expense reimbursements that
were withheld during the period before passage of the biennial budget bill. If the
legislature has not passed the biennial budget bill before the end of the legislative
session, however, the members of the legislature are to be paid all salary
installments and expense reimbursements on the last day of the session that were
withheld during the session.
Acceptance of certain political contributions by legislators, legislative
candidates, and certain committees
The bill prohibits any incumbent legislator, candidate for legislative office, or
the personal campaign or authorized support committee of such a member or
candidate from accepting any political contribution for the purpose of promoting his
or her nomination, election, or reelection to the office held by the official during the
period beginning on the date of introduction of the governor's executive budget bill
or, the first of any executive budget bills submitted by the governor in each
odd-numbered year and ending with the date of final concurrence by both houses of
the legislature in that bill or if there is more than one such bill, in all of such bills,
and, if any such bill is vetoed in full, during the period of reconsideration of that bill
or of consideration of any subsequent biennial budget bill or bills in that year until
the date of final concurrence by both houses of the legislature in that bill or, if there
is more than one such bill, in all of such bills. The prohibition does not apply to
contributions accepted by an incumbent legislator who is subject to a recall election

or a candidate for legislative office in a recall election, or by the personal campaign
or authorized support committee of a legislator or legislative candidate from the date
on which the petition for a recall election is filed until the date of the recall election
or in the case of an incumbent legislator, the date on which the legislator resigns if
the legislator resigns at an earlier date .
Violators are subject to a forfeiture (civil penalty) of treble the amount or value
of any unlawful contribution. Intentional violators are guilty of a misdemeanor and
may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than six months or
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB627, s. 1 1Section 1. 11.24 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB627,3,142 11.24 (4) (a) No incumbent member of the legislature, no candidate for the office
3of state senator or representative to the assembly, and no personal campaign
4committee or support committee authorized under s. 11.05 (3) (p) of such a member
5or candidate may accept any contribution for the purpose of promoting that
6member's or candidate's nomination, election, or reelection to the office of state
7senator or representative to the assembly during the period beginning on the date
8of introduction of the executive budget bill or of the first of any budget bills submitted
9under s. 16.47 (1) in each odd-numbered year and ending with the date of final
10concurrence by both houses of the legislature in that bill or, if there is more than one
11such bill, in all of such bills, and, if any such bill is vetoed in full, during the period
12of reconsideration of that bill or of consideration of any subsequent biennial budget
13bill or bills in that year until the date of final concurrence by both houses of the
14legislature in that bill or, if there is more than one such bill, in all of such bills.
AB627,4,515 (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), an incumbent member of the legislature against
16whom a recall petition has been filed or a candidate for the office of state senator or
17representative to the assembly in a recall election, or the personal campaign or

1authorized support committee of such a member or candidate, may accept a
2contribution during the period beginning on the date on which the petition is filed
3under s. 9.10 (3) (b) and ending on the date of the recall election or, in the case of a
4member of the legislature, the date on which the member resigns if the member
5resigns at an earlier date under s. 9.10 (3) (c).
AB627, s. 2 6Section 2. 11.60 (3p) of the statutes is created to read:
AB627,4,117 11.60 (3p) Notwithstanding sub. (1), any member of the legislature, candidate
8for the office of state senator or representative to the assembly, or the personal
9campaign or authorized support committee of such a member or candidate who
10accepts a contribution in violation of s. 11.24 (4) shall forfeit treble the amount of the
AB627, s. 3 12Section 3. 13.121 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB627,4,1513 13.121 (1) Current member. From the appropriation under s. 20.765 (1) (a) or
14(b), but subject to s. 13.124, each member of the legislature shall be paid, in equal
15instalments installments, the salary provided under s. 20.923.
AB627, s. 4 16Section 4. 13.123 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB627,4,2517 13.123 (1) (c) Each member shall certify to the chief clerk of the house in which
18the member serves, as promptly as may be following the 1st of each month, the
19number of days during the previous calendar month on which the member was in
20Madison on legislative business and for which the member seeks the allowance
21provided by this subsection. Such Subject to s. 13.124, such allowances shall be paid
22from the appropriation under s. 20.765 (1) (a) or (b) within one week after each
23calendar month; and shall be paid, upon the filing with the department of
24administration, the chief clerk's affidavit stating the number of days in Madison on
25legislative business for all members of the chief clerk's house.
AB627, s. 5
1Section 5. 13.124 of the statutes is created to read:
AB627,5,13 213.124 Withholding of legislator salaries and certain expense
If the legislature has not passed the biennial budget bill under
4s. 16.47 (1) before August 1 of the odd-numbered year, no member of the legislature
5may receive a salary installment, as required under s. 13.121 (1), or be reimbursed
6for any expenses to which the members is entitled under s. 13.123 (1) or 13.45 (3) (a)
7until such time as the legislature has passed the biennial budget bill. Upon passage
8of the biennial budget bill, the member of the legislature shall receive all salary
9installments and expense reimbursements that were withheld during the period
10before passage of the biennial budget bill. If the legislature has not passed the
11biennial budget bill before the end of the legislative session, the members of the
12legislature shall receive all salary installments and expense reimbursements on the
13last day of the session that were withheld during the session.
AB627, s. 6 14Section 6. 13.38 of the statutes is created to read:
AB627,5,18 1513.38 Committee of conference on biennial budget bills. (1) If a
16committee of conference on a biennial budget bill is created, the committee shall
17convene on the first Monday after the committee is created or on the first Monday
18in July, whichever occurs first.
AB627,6,2 19(2) The committee of conference shall meet for at least 8 hours per day on
20Monday to Friday during the first week that the committee is convened. If the
21committee has not approved a conference report before the end of the first week, the
22committee shall convene on the following Monday and meet for at least 9 hours per
23day on Monday to Friday during that week. If the committee has still not approved
24a conference report before the end of the 2nd week, the committee shall convene on
25the following Monday and meet for at least 10 hours per day on at least 6 days during

1that week, and during each succeeding week, until the committee approves a
2conference report.
AB627,6,5 3(3) Each member of the committee of conference must attend each meeting of
4the committee, unless the member is unable to attend the meeting on account of
5illness or a family emergency.
AB627,6,11 6(4) The sergeant of arms of the senate shall ensure that senators appointed to
7the committee of conference attend each meeting of the committee. The sergeant of
8arms of the assembly shall ensure that representatives to the assembly appointed
9to the committee of conference attend each meeting of the committee. The sergeant
10of arms of each house shall have all powers granted the sergeant of arms under s.
1113.33 to compel members to attend each meeting of the committee of conference.
AB627, s. 7 12Section 7. 13.45 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB627,6,1713 13.45 (3) (a) For any day for which the legislator does not file a claim under s.
1413.123 (1), and subject to s. 13.124, any legislator appointed to serve on a legislative
15committee or a committee to which the legislator was appointed by either house or
16the officers thereof shall be reimbursed from the appropriations under s. 20.765 (1)
17(a) or (b) for actual and necessary expenses incurred as a member of the committee.
AB627, s. 8 18Section 8. 16.53 (1) (d) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB627,6,2319 16.53 (1) (d) 1. The secretary, with the approval of the joint committee on
20employment relations, shall fix the time and frequency for payment of salaries due
21elective and appointive officers and employees of the state. As determined under this
22subdivision, except as provided in s. 13.124, the salaries shall be paid either monthly,
23semimonthly or for each 2-week period.
AB627,6,2424 (End)